Charlotte (Charlie) Silver is a professional tennis player on the rise who dreams of winning a Grand Slam. After a disastrous game at Wimbledon, she decides to hire a new coach, Todd Feltner, a living legend in the tennis world even though his methods are borderline abusive. Thus begin a rigorous training, a strict diet and an image makeover. Soon, Charlie ranks among the best in the world, goes to exciting parties,…
Tag: game
Erik Therme
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Mortom by Erik Therme
When Craig Moore drowns in a lake, Andy Crowl is surprised to learn that his cousin left him his few possessions despite their not seeing each other for years because of a childhood rivalry. Andy and his sister Kate, go to Craig’s house in Mortom to sort through the inheritance when they come upon a dead rat with a key in its mouth. It turns out someone has set up clues for Andy…