The following is a guest post by Nancy Moore, author of The Vicar of Wrynbury. If you would like to write a guest post on my blog, please send me an e-mail at Some characters in books are so well represented and voiced that they seem real to the reader. You can see the look they give when they are frustrated or how that lock of hair hangs over their…
Tag: first impressions
Charlie Lovett
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First Impressions by Charlie Lovett
It is not always true that a subtitle aptly sums up what a book is about. However, it certainly is the case here: “A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen”. Sophie Collingwood has just graduated from Oxford when she meets Eric Hall, an intriguing young American teacher who, like her, loves classic literature, especially Jane Austen. Unfortunately, the young man soon leaves for Paris to continue his…